Wic approved whole wheat bread
Wic approved whole wheat bread

wic approved whole wheat bread

According to several studies, participants welcomed the 2009 changes to the WIC food packages, including the addition of whole-wheat bread. As part of their nutritionally tailored food packages, women participating in WIC presently receive one 16-ounce loaf and children receive two 16-ounce loaves of whole-wheat bread per month. Whole-wheat bread is the most frequently chosen whole-grain product by program participants. Whole-grain options include bread, rolls, tortillas, pasta, and rice. In 2009, USDA added 100-percent whole-wheat bread and other 100-percent whole-grain products to the WIC food packages for women and children. Every 10 years, USDA reviews the WIC food packages and, if necessary, revises them to ensure they align with the goals of the Federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Participants receive monthly benefits that can be redeemed for specific sets of foods (known as WIC food packages) that are tailored to supplement participants’ diets with specific nutrients. The program also provides nutrition education, healthcare referrals, and breastfeeding support. USDA’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women and to infants and children up to age 5.

Wic approved whole wheat bread